Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
What is the Episcopal Church Women?
Episcopal Church Women (ECW) is a group of women from all around the nation, focused on empowering women to do Christ's work in the world. In 1902, the Episcopal churches in Hawaii joined a national group known as the Episcopal Women's Auxiliary. In 1985, Episcopal Women's Auxiliary's name changed to Episcopal Church Women. For more information about the history, please visit the "Our History" page of Episcopal Church Women's national website. What does the Episcopal Church Women do?
In the Diocese of Hawai`i, the ECW is involved with a variety of ministries, including the on-going collection of Campbell Soup labels that are sent to St. Jude's Ranch in Boulder City, NV. St. Jude's Ranch then exchanges these labels for playground equipment and other items that are used for the children at the ranch. Throughout the Diocese, women in different parishes have formed ECW groups, providing service in their communities and linking up with organizations such as Easter Seals, Habitat for Humanity, and government agencies to help the homeless and needy. Episcopal Church Women is also the parent group for the major entities of:
We are Episcopal Church Women committed to one another and called to be witnesses for Christ. Our challenge is to provide a safe place where every woman is free to become the person Christ created her to be. We are called. We are different. We are one body. ~Adopted by the National ECW Board (Spring 1995) Photos are from the annual Quiet Day retreats hosted by the Diocesan ECW at the St. Anthony Retreat Center.
![]() For more information about Episcopal Church Women, visit: www.ecwnational.org.
For more information on how you can join the Episcopal Church Women in the Diocese of Hawaii, please e-mail the Office of the Bishop, who will forward your e-mail to the Board President, Louise Aloy. |