Acolytes are those who light the altar candle(s) and participate in the procession. Several of our youth are acolytes. ALTAR GUILD The altar guild is comprised of parishioners dedicated to worshiping God by preparing and displaying the appropriate decorations and linens for each church season and service. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS & LECTORS Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) and Lectors serve at Sunday services and as needed for special services. Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest at communion with wine; Diocesan training is required. Lectors may read the Old Testament, Psalm, Epistle, and assigned Scripture readings during the service. The ministry leader schedules and distributes the reading to the lectors and conducts training as needed. PRAYER READER A lay Prayer Reader leads the Prayers of the People during the service. INTERESTED? If you are interested in any of the above, let the Fr Hee or Deb Nishihira (Communications Coordinator) know. |
The music draws a focus to the Scriptures set by the Liturgical Calendar and as directed by the priest through topical sermons and themes. Our music strives to support an atmosphere which ushers in God's presence, invites reverence and renewal, offers praise and thanksgiving, and send Good Samaritan people out to share God's glory with others. FLOWERS The Floral Ministry prepares flowers for the Sunday services and arranges Easter lilies and Christmas poinsettias donated in memory of loved ones. Hawaii's tropical greens and flowers are bountiful throughout the year and members are very generous in donating these for arrangement on Sundays. |